About City of York Council Meetings



Further information about what’s being discussed at this meeting

All the reports which Members will be considering are available for viewing online on the Council’s website.  Alternatively, copies of individual reports or the full agenda are available from Democratic Services.  Contact the Democracy Officer whose name and contact details are given on the agenda for the meeting. Please note a small charge may be made for full copies of the agenda requested to cover administration costs.



Access Arrangements

We will make every effort to make the meeting accessible to you.  The meeting will usually be held in a wheelchair accessible venue with an induction hearing loop.  We can provide the agenda or reports in large print, electronically (computer disk or by email), in Braille or on audio tape.  Some formats will take longer than others so please give as much notice as possible (at least 48 hours for Braille or audio tape). 


If you have any further access requirements such as parking close by or a sign language interpreter then please let us know.  Contact the Democracy Officer whose name and contact details are given on the order of business for the meeting.


Every effort will also be made to make information available in another language, either by providing translated information or an interpreter providing sufficient advance notice is given.  Telephone York (01904) 551550 for this service.



Who Gets Agenda and Reports for our Meetings?           

·        Councillors get copies of all agenda and reports for the committees to which they are appointed by the Council;

·        Relevant Council Officers get copies of relevant agenda and reports for the committees which they report to; and

·        Public libraries, Council Receptions and the Press get copies of all public agenda/reports.

·        Applicant

·        Representors & the relevant Responsible Authorities